Saturday 11 February 2012


I am on my own here and I have just had to rescue a zebra finch - seems to be Gordon - from a nest.  His foot was caught and he couldn't get out of the fix by himself.  It was so scary, and I am so bad at dealing with these things, as I am dyspraxic and I also panic, but I had to deal with it.  I managed to get him out alive, and he was on the floor at first, but soon began to fly up.  But he can't stay on a perch now, and I am scared that I have hurt his foot.  I had to take the whole little nest out with the finch in it.  I am in shock, and trying to leave the bird alone, as stress makes them worse.  I don't want to catch him to look at his foot in case I make it worse, but I am terrified that he will die and it will all be my fault.  He isn't a young finch; none of them are.  Poor baby.

I haven't got anyone to turn to.  I was looking through the diary for the phone number of the friends who Colin was visiting, but he is also going to Asda, so might not even be there.  But the numbers are all written in such a muddle and the words were blurring before my eyes.  I don't know what to do, but I couldn't not tell anyone, and yet have no-one specific who I feel that I can "bother".

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