Tuesday 31 January 2012

The last week in "Paula World"!

Where do I start?  Good or bad?  Well, last week I got out four times in one week, starting with the hairdressers on the Monday.  For those of you who know about my struggles with agoraphobia and chronic physical health issues, you will appreciate that this was a huge step for me.  All were very local trips, and the first was the "biggest deal", but yes, it was a pretty big achievement.  And I felt so much better.

But the "crash" had to come, with my "time of month" and tiredness, IBS issues etc "catching up" with me.  Now I am struggling.  A lot.  Being absolutely honest, I am depressed, and have been depressed throughout, and the racing thoughts never stop.  Whilst getting out and about, the distraction factor kept me going.  Now - it is going to be hard - which doesn't mean that I intend to give up, as it won't be long before my period is finished, and then I hope to carry on where I left off, in terms of getting out and about.

I am not writing poetry.  I haven't written anything at all, apart from Facebook status updates and occasional Tweets!  Until now - so a blog post is also a "positive".  I also managed to read some poetry earlier, which I haven't been doing enough - Sophie Hannah, love her!!! :-)

I might add some more music videos to my blog soon.  If I visit You Tube whilst logged into Google, I can actually "like" my favourite videos on there, which I only discovered by chance.  Guess that Google own, or have something to do with, You Tube???

More from me soon, hopefully. xxx

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